Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Good News! I'm More Than Normal!

Quote of the Day
“I’d much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they’re the first to be rescued off sinking ships."
Gilda Radner
Fashion author Sheila Dicks states that women only wear about 20% of their wardrobe leaving the other 80% hanging in their closet because it doesn’t fit right, it itches, or it’s the wrong color.
Well, I can do better than that. I have been known to wear as much as 22% of mine! I have lots and lots of nice clothes, suits, dresses, cute casuals- you name it. For every day dress I tend to stick with my comfort clothes. I don’t even know why. Oh, I can put my comfort clothes together very nice and will even break out a skirt from time to time to mix it up, but you would not believe the beautiful things that are just hanging there. But my credit card bills believe it. I recently gave away 5 30 gallon garbage bags full of unwanteds. I kept the equivalent of another 12 bags, and have since re bought another 3 bags.
Clothing, purses, shoes and costume jewelry are my main purchases, followed closely by make up and skin care products. My house has become a department store and boutique. I am comforted by the admission from other women that I am not alone.
My husband understands that he has no closet space and contends with that very well. He knows that I need a house with a shoe room. We look at houses from time to time and take tours. When he sees a closet built like a room with rows of shelves, rods and drawers, he makes sure he tells me, “ Hey, Annie, here’s the closet you need!” I have to inspect it then, it must have floor to ceiling “make you skinny” mirrors. Hey, it’s all a girl thing!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I Hate Myself for Loving You

Quote of the Day

"I hate myself for loving you
Can’t break free from the things that you do
I want to walk, but I run back to you
That’s why I hate myself for loving you”
Joan Jett

I was watching the Life and Death of Anna Nicole Smith on Entertainment channel. They said that she and Larry Birkhead had a tempestuous relationship. They fought hard and made up, then fought again. They hated each other. And, they loved each other at the same time.
What causes relationships like that to exist? I think we have all known people who keep getting back together despite all evidence to the contrary that they should stay away from each other. I have had the experience myself and can understand the cycle. I’m not quoting any scientific studies, but I think it stems from a physical addiction to that person that is a lot like an addiction to anything else. It is a chemical reaction, the magnet and steel theory, dueling pheromones. It’s the physical reaction in the body that makes you crave a chocolate bar, a drink, a certain someone. Just as you feel failure for eating that cake, the remorse sets in that you went back to that person.
Unfortunately, relationships like these are based in the physical plane. You know the person is not good for you, but you are powerless over the effect they have on you. You can have it all made up in your mind that you want it over, but as soon as they walk in the room, your resolve fades away and you fall back into the same old habit.
How can you get out of this cycle? I don’t know. It’s not an easy question to answer. I suppose when they find cures for addictions, you can take a pill that will stop you from over eating, smoking, and falling into senseless relationships. Wouldn’t that be a miracle cure?

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Eating For Bucks

Quote of the Day

Humans are born competitors. If there is a way to make something a competition, we will do it. A recent article in the newspaper tells a tale we should be embarrassed to tell. “Competitive Eating Rising in Popularity in the U.S.” Here I find I can special order a 200 oz steak with all the fixings from The Kestral Inn in England. If I can finish the 2 feet wide, 4 inch thick hunk of meat, it’s free. Competitors say it gives them a high and makes them feel good about themselves. One fellow says he can’t figure skate, but he can eat hot dogs.
An internet search tells me competitive eating has a major following. Even Fox Sports and Spike TV have signed onto to televise these events. Interesting. But nothing new. Competitive eating events have been around forever. We have all heard of the famous pie eating contests.
My ex husband was the type of guy that when we went to an all you can eat buffet, they would have locked the door if they knew he was coming. He could eat. When we were dating, he finished off the Mighty Mountaineer. This ice cream treat was served in a huge carved glass goblet filled and filled with mounds and mounds of all flavors of ice cream, syrups, fruit, nuts and whipped cream and topped, of course, with a cherry. If you finished it, you could keep the dish. We got to keep the dish. Don’t get the idea my ex was big. He was thin as a rail, but he could pack it away.
My opinion is summed up with, uh, well it’s just gross. Miss Piggy says, “Never eat more than you can lift.” That’s good advice.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Hanging By A Boob

Quote of the Day
"There seems to be a law that governs all our actions so I never make plans.”
Greta Garbo
A friend of mine had a mammogram today. She said, " I’m going to get slammed.” Slammed? I always called it squashed. I guess we all have our own interpretations of the event. A mammogram in itself is a unique event. At no other time can you be hung by your boob and have somebody tell you not to breathe. You say, “I …couldn’t…if…I…tried…..
Oh..please,.. God…help…me.”
I know it’s for a good reason. Mammograms are a necessary evil. I wouldn’t want to find out I had breast cancer too late. Of course, I always get called back for a repeat. They didn’t get a good picture, there’s a suspicious dark area they want to get a better look at it, or my personal favorite, “we don’t know what that is.” Gee. Thanks. My doctor’s nurse sure has a great bedside manner about her. As it turned out, it was OK.
My favorite story was published in a women’s magazine a few years ago. I think Women’s World. The lady was getting a mammogram and the electric went off while the machine still had hold of her. She was stuck until the power was restored. Talk about scarring for life!

Too Much Gossip Hurts My Ears


Gossip. Webster defines gossip as, “Rumor or talk of a personal, sensational or intimate nature. Trivial, chatty talk or writing.”

Venting about a person that has upset you is the same as gossiping. You are telling your perspective of an event as the truth. When the other person does not have the opportunity to defend or explain their actions, a person’s venting can become, in the eyes of all who that person has vented to, the truth about the vent-ee. It can ruin their reputation. Then the next time you mention that person, even if you had long made up and resolved your issues, the other person you're talking to just says, "Oh. That's the guy who borrows money and never gives it back."
There is an appropriate time and place to vent, if you must. Never vent to those who are deeply involved with you and the vent-ee. This forces that person to feel they must choose a side. And NEVER, under any circumstance, vent on the World Wide Web. What you say on the web is governed by the same laws as what you print about someone in the newspaper. If I know who you are, then I can probably figure out who you’re talking about.
If you must vent, there is an appropiate time and place. You can vent to acquaintances who do not know that person, just say, “I am venting.” Most people who know you know when you are letting off steam and they normally take what you say with a grain of salt. No harm done.
While you are talking about someone in a disgraceful manor, remember, they may have a million and one things they could say about you, too. It's a vicious cycle and can ruin relationships. No one is without fault and no one is always right. Always examine your motives for venting. More often than not, what you are telling everyone that you're upset about is not the core issue, anyway.

Working Up While Working Out

note: I couldn't get signed into my blog for a while, so I have a few posts.....

Qoute of the Day
"I once had a rose named after me and I was very flattered. But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalogue: no good in a bed, but fine up against a wall."
Eleanor Roosevelt
Flipping through the July 2007 issue of Fitness, I came across the phrase of the month; coregasm. Supposedly, it is defined as the orgasm that women experience while doing core-strengthening exercises. Am I missing something? I workout nearly every day at the gym and have never experienced one of these coregasms. I want to know how to have one. If this is true, they just might eliminate the need for a man altogether! So, they directed me to their website, and I read up on coregasms.
According to Charity Shumway, on the Fitness website, the legend goes something like this; you sqeeeeeze your abdominal muscles in really tight. Then you do a whole bunch of repetitions until you succumb to the indescribable pleasures right there in the middle of the gym.
Well, I just tried to do it. It doesn’t work. Maybe because I am not at the gym. So, I read further to see if there’s a trick I missed. There’s not. Then, she tells us that the coregasm doesn’t exist, except in the minds of men and their fantasies. Well, talk about a work up for nothing!
This was going to revolutionize workouts. Going to the gym was going to become popular.
(If you’re disappointed coregasms don’t really exist, maybe you could try using the Power Plate my5 Acceleration Training Machine. It is a vibrating fitness machine guaranteed to shake your muscles into shape fast! - Now this thing may have possibilities!)

I'm Just Ann

"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, "I used everything you gave me."
Erma bombeck

I am neither pregnant or a pixie. I just thought it was attention getting title. There is no particular topic for this blog. Think of this blog as what we talk to our friends about. However, most of what I write will pertain to women, or it will be a woman’s perspective on general issues. It will be about all sorts of things, so nothing is really beyond my discussions here.
These are just my musings and they may wander all over the place. Some will be funny. Some may be serious. But mostly I try to be funny because being goofy and joking around are my forms of escape. It’s not that I don’t take things seriously, I do. But you have to have an outlet for stress. Thank God mine is through laughter.